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The days of our future stand in front of us
like a row of little lit candles --
golden, warm, and lively little candles.The days past remain behind us,
a mournful line of extinguished candles;
the ones nearest are still smoking,
cold candles, melted, and bent.I do not want to look at them; their form
saddens me,
and it saddens me to recall their first light.
I look ahead at my lit candles.I do not want to turn back, lest I see and shudder
at how fast the dark line lengthens,
at how fast the extinguished candles multiply.Constantine P. Cavafy (1899)
Information about the poet
Constantine P. Cavafy (1863 - 1933)
Cavafy, one of the most prominent Greek poets, was born on April 29, 1863 and died on the same date in 1933 in Alexandria (Egypt). Here's a short biographical note by the poet himself: I am from Constantinople by descent, but I was born in Alexandria -- at a house on Seriph Street; I left very young, and spent much of my childhood in England. Subsequently I visited this country as an adult, but for a short period of time. I have also lived in France. During my adolescence I lived over two years in Constantinople. It has been many years since I last visited Greece.My last employment was as a clerk at a government office under the Ministry of Public Works of Egypt. I know English, French, and a little Italian.
Information about the Page design
I like much this poem.
The background of this E_Mail I did with a Stationary of the type fractal. Fractal pictures are made by Software that works with mathematical formulas.
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Only this way is a total compatibility between the different suppliers from E_Mail. I made the respective tests.
A greeting from Mexico, the land of the pyramids, beaches and eternal sun for all the people in the Internet
The world is full of dreams, some can be made reality.
This document was created by
Rodolfo (
January 28th, 2000
The part of the text, that originally was in Spanish, was translated with the SYSTRAN Translator.
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